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Kwai River Bridge and Death Railway


During the II World War the allied prisoners of war were  forced to build a
railroad from Bangkok to Rangoon. It took 8 months for the prisoners to build the Kwai
River Bridge and only 8 seconds for the allied bomber fleet to blast the bridge useless.
Before the bombing the Japanese had time to transport troops and ammunition to Burma
for 2 whole years.

The round arches are original and the rectangular are restored after the bombing

An amusement train for tourist crossing the one track bridge.

Waiting for the Death Train at Kanchanaburi station

The tourists got a bamboo heat helmet and a place tag on their shoulder.
An whole reserved wagon was attached to the train for the group

Sights from the train left side window on the viaduct along the Kwai River

Agricultural land during the dry season. View from the train. Water bottles
where dealt out for the thirsty passengers free of charge

Some 3000 allied prisoners died while building the railway. They where buried
near the Thailand - Burma Railway Centre in Canchanaburi.

Only UK, Australian and Dutch prisoners where buried here.
All American corpses where duck out and sent back to their homeland.

 Last updated: 14.12.2018 
Markku Tiuri 
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